Cheyloh was 20.4 lb at birth and weighed in at 118 lbs. at 10 months old!
He has a beautiful frame that is strong and correct, as well as big bone, and a gorgeous head and ears.
Cheyloh (pronounced Shiloh) - has a perfect conformation - proportionate, straight & a wonderfully proud "presence"...
top that off with a friendly, touchable, and curious laid-back personality, just like his Mom!
He's a complete package...
Gorgeous, penciled & independent locks with very nice luster... He glistens!
Pedigree is Packed with Solid Genetics:
MacGyver, Durango, Chakotah, Kalvin, Jackpot & Silver Marquis. His sire is the half brother to the famous Platinum Marquis!
Judges comments have included:
Tim Lavan: "Very consistent luster & lock. Placed at the top of this class due to his overall package, upright stature and conformational correctness" (Buckeye, 2014)
Wade Gease: "long fleece growth and my favorite physical structure in the class... Good luster and substance of lock...." (Best of the US 2014)
Jill McLeod: "Very mature for a yearling, fiber after a shearing is coming back really nicely, well organized locks, good density, and high level of luster..." (MAPACA 2015)